Lockdown Pros and Cons

KLONDIKE, CPAC Philosophy Desk – In light of all the armies that have been shutting down and coming back over the years, I have decided to take a look into armies entering lockdowns. Continue reading

PB Between DCP and IW / Surprise Raid

Today, April 5th, 2014, there took place a practice battle between the Doritos of Club Penguin and the Ice Warriors. The battle took place on Summit, which is typically a one bar server. Both armies fought with heart the entire battle. DCP averaged 35 and maxed 40, while the Ice Warriors averaged 15 and maxed 20. DCP had quite the size advantage over the Ice Warriors. The tactics were excellent by each army. Both armies expressed consistent numbers throughout the battle. There was never a dramatic loss of size during this battle because within ten minutes of the battle, there came a big surprise. The Nacho Army of Club Penguin suddenly began to raid the battle after the Underground Mafias Army was a no-show for their own battle. The Nachos brought approximately 20 troops to this battle, causing chaos. It was hard to distinguish the difference between the Nachos and DCP, therefore the Ice Warriors decided to log off after 20 hard-fought minutes. DCP had lost nearly 10 of their troops after the Ice Warriors logged off. The Nachos and DCP continued to brawl it out on Summit. DCP had around 25 versus the Nachos 20. 

This battle turned into something very unexpected. Ten minutes after the raid, DCP notified the Nachos saying they were going to raid their capital, Fjord. Each army’s troops were ordered onto Fjord, and another raid began. The DCP brought around 10 troops, and the Nachos had a slight size advantage over them with 15. The Doritos were outnumbered, but continued to stay strong and fight through. Could this be a spark to a war? Only time will tell.

What do you think?

Comment with your opinion below!


Flappy112 Retirement

Hello RPF. I am now announcing my retirement from the Rebel Penguin Federation. Today, December 1st, 2013 at 1AM CST, I have chosen to retire. It has been my honor to serve RPF for 6 years and 6 months. I have made many great friends while on this long journey, some I will never forget. RPF has always been my home and I never left this army within those 6 years. I was always loyal to RPF. I have risen through each rank, and am proud to retire as leader.

Before RPF, I was in UMA and ACP back and forth. Even before that I took place in the color wars, team blue to be exact. I officially joined armies in 2007.  My favorite war was with either WW or UMA.  I have been in nearly every CP army, but RPF was home for me. I was always loyal to RPF when RPF and another army I was in were battling. Reasons for retirement? I’m simply too old and I’m not treated the same anymore. I just don’t feel as respected as old RPF. You may see me floating around the CP army chats. Anyways, I wish RPF the best and to fight the good fight. RPF Forever. RPF is manager, and will be forever.

I apologize for the long list of friends below, but what do you expect after 6 years

Friends to Remember

Commando717– I always have trusted you, and I always will. For this is the reason I followed you away from UMA. You are the best leader of ClubPenguin Armies, and always will be. You have always been a brother to me. Every thought from you is your honest opinion, and that is why I respect you most. Thank you Commando, for all you have taught me in my time here.

Elmikey– It is true we have had our ups and downs since day 1 in 07. You’re a great leader, and you know what you’re doing. If you set your mind to it, you will accomplish it. This is the most important piece of information I have learned from you. Nothing is impossible. Thank you.

Tucker Jinx– You were always nice to me, and willing to help me when I needed it. You’re my RPF sister like Bleu.

KC– You were a great soldier in RPF. I learned a lot from you such as when to listen to others, and when not to.

KG007– You are amazing KG. You were my best friend along with Karakoran. You made me strong. Thank you

Karakoran- Josh, you were my best friend in RPF. You were always here for me and always nice. Even though you were younger than me in 07, you were still a better leader than me, and I admit it. Thank you

Daisy- You are my best friend to this day. I remember you as Bunz. We share many priceless memories that can never be replaced.

Ziehen- You were always a good friend to me, and still are. Thank you

ATM- You were always straight up and to the point whether people liked your opinion or not. I respect you for that.

Cewan– You were a great leader and our past together has been fun. You’re amazing and thank you for helping keep RPF alive.

Flameboy- You were one of the best soldiers in RPF. I don’t remember much, but thank you for shaping me into who I am in the CP army world.

Chapa- You were such a young leader Chapstick! You were one of the nicest soldiers around.

JuicyJuice- Bri you were an amazing friend and I’ll never forget you!

Jcaleb- We used to be such good friend and then you disappeared 😦

Jcool- You were fun to hang around and always very chill.

Paco-We’ve definitely had our fights. But we were close at one time, and you were always cool to me.

Fiasco121- Boy have I learned a lot from you. You always stood up for what is right, along with JustinBronze. That is where I get my stubbornness from.

Ghj- You are such an amazing friend. We had that one big fight, but I’m glad we’re both over it now. You’re always here for me, and you always have my back no matter who it’s against. Thanks girl:)

Term- You’re amazing and still are.

Elitesof- Dalton I always looked up to you. You did what was right, and didn’t care what people thought of you.

Frere- You’re my favorite ginger and you’re like the Hulk.

Jazz- You’re a really cool person to talk to, and our past is hilarious. I’m glad we still talk today.

Megirl- Danielle we have a lot of memories together on cam with Slip xD.

Red Gush- You are very opinionated, and by this I mean you always follow your heart with decisions. You give your opinion, and choose what’s best for yourself. I have learned so much from you, and you helped me decide upon this retirement. Thank you brother.

Brownie- You’re my sexy brownie, and one of my favorite UMA people.

Berat- You’re very nice and always willing to stick up for me. Thanks:)

Mach- You’re hilarious and I’m glad we’ve become close.

WG- Your eyes are amazing and you’re fun to hang with.

PJ- You’re a great leader and you always stood up for me and saw the greatness inside of me. Thank you.

PinkPony- I love you. I was never as close to anyone in CP armies as you. You’re amazing and words can’t describe what you are to me. Thank you for caring about me and being here for me. I’ll never forget you. You mean the most to me in all of my CP army history. Our memories are the best and I’ll never forget them. I’m sorry for anything that was ever my fault, and I hope we can move on from those fights. ❤









































Vo Yo







“It is finished” … “When Darkness Falls”


Puffle Warriors Fall to Light Troops

Today, May 20, the Light Troops of Club Penguin had a practice battle scheduled against the Puffle Warriors. The battle started at 3 EST. The Light Troops had quite an advantage over the Puffle Warriors because of sizes. The Light Troops max around 25 and the Metal Warriors max around 15.

Surprisingly, at the start of the battle, the Puffle Warriors were nowhere to be seen. The Light Troops searched all of the main rooms on Club Penguin for the Puffle Warriors, but could not find them. The Light Troops stayed on for approximately 30 minutes, and won by default due to their no-show. The Light troops averaged 13, and kept a steady number until they logged off. Their tactics were excellent as well. Their lines were straight and well kept the whole time. Everyone seemed to do the tactic at the same time, which is always a plus. The Light Troops are definitely on their way up.

I expect the Light Troops to stay strong during their events no matter who the opponent is. With their steady numbers and perfect tactics, who knows what the Light Troops are capable of. Anyone going up against the Light Troops of Club Penguin better be ready for a tough challenge. I see them appearing somewhere in the Top 5 range next week.


The start of the Green Hornets

Hey guys, it’s Flappy here with my first post. We’ve been having some technical difficulties with the site. It’s taking a bit longer to get going on our feet. I’ve been getting my grades up, and Shad’s been grounded. We’re gonna start picking it up here shortly, so be prepared. I’d say in the next week or 2 we’ll be a small army of 6-10 troops. Starting out is very hard and needs lots of active people, so please be as active as possible. If we succeed in getting into the small top 10 in the next month, I’d say we can get medium pretty soon. Comment on this saying if you will be active please.


xGreen Hornetsx

Welcome to The Green Hornets of CP. We are currently Under Construction but if you would like, you can join us at the join page then go to our chat!



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